About Me

Hi, I'm Lily Raeburn.

I graduated from the University of Gloucestershire in 2020, I studied Computer Games Programming and graduated with a 2:1 with honors. I worked on Eden Star at Flix Interactive as a Junior Graphics Engineer. My main responsibilities included delivering performance and profiling reports as well as looking into performance and gameplay related bugs. At Free Radical Design I worked on an unreleased TimeSplitters game. I worked on areas such as tooling, UI, AI, Networking, Gameplay features, and some Jenkins/build system stuff among other miscellaneous bugs and tasks. At Flix and FRD I worked mostly with Unreal and C++.

Proficient in

  • Programming languages: C++, C#
  • Technologies: Visual Studio, Unity, UE4, UE5, Blueprints, Perforce, Github

Experience with

  • Programming languages: C, ASM, HLSL, JavaScript, Python
  • Technologies:Devops, OpenGl, Vulkan, BitBucket, PostgreSQL, React, Django, Ansible, AWS
